Virtual Chief Security Officer (vCSO)

According to Gartner, the rising intensity of cyber threats combined with executive concerns about business risk will require 70% of companies to have a Chief Security Officer. But very few of those companies have the wherewithal to recruit, adequately compensate, and successfully retain a security professional with the requisite experience and expertise to fulfill that critical role. So the market for security advisory services is projected to grow from $14.6 billion in 2023 to $46.7 billion in 2033.

But how can you get your piece of that market? How do the strategies and tactics for selling vCSO engagements differ from those associated with conventional MSP offerings? And how can you scale up your vCSO delivery capacity so you can actually serve the new clients you sell?

Get the answers to these questions and more by joining the ranks of Galactic-enabled vCSOs. Our complete vCSO enablement resources include:

  • Sales training and methodology
  • SOW templates for vCSO proposals
  • Written information Security Plan (WISP) generator
  • Risk Register and linked policy generation tools
  • Weekly vCSO office hours
  • In-person vCSO Accelerate workshops

Executive decision-makers desperately need executive-level security and compliance advice. And vCSO engagements can drive six figures of high-margin recurring revenue to your top line. So please complete this form to learn more. 

You’re also invited to participate in our other ARR MOONSHOT 2024 opportunities: