Are you ready for your
next big step as a vCSO?

NOW IS THE TIME TO build a security-improving, revenue-generating,
margin-making vCSO program within your MSP!

Galactic Partners have been asking: What’s next when it comes to cybersecurity?

Here’s what we saw in our crystal ball: businesses are becoming savvier about security risks and want to build out security programs.

We are also seeing Chief Security Officer (CSO) positions, which were once something that only fortune 100 companies had in place, migrate down-market. That means, even in smaller companies, people are starting to wonder who is responsible for security oversight inside their organizations.

Here’s your opportunity: you create a vCSO offering where you help your clients build out and maintain their security program. (AND do not build it for free!)

We have partners selling vCSO services to companies with 100 to 400 users for between $5,000 to $9,000 per month. They’ve built out their own programs and are reaping the benefits.

This could be a good door opener for a company-managed situation or a way to help improve an existing client's security posture.

The question is, how the heck do you set up a vCSO program? You could figure it out yourself and start at ground zero...or you could kick it into high gear by going to the Galactic vCSO Intensive Training Event.

If you go to our vCSO intensive training event, what will you get? Check out our introductory video below, and keep reading.

Galactic vCSO Workship - Watch Now

Galactic vCSO Framework: Get a complete roadmap to delivering a high-value add vCSO service offering to your MRR services.

CSO Training: The heart of this two-day session will get you prepared to confidently say that you’re a CSO. We will walk you through a real example and by the end of the sessions, you’ll have experience going through the ropes. Who should you send to this event? Someone who is both technical and sales-minded. Many of our partners are sending their owners or the person that is handling their security implementation.

Meeting Agendas: We will provide you with meeting agendas for weekly, quarterly and annual meeting cadences. In many vCSO engagements, you will be the key contact to IT, leadership teams and boardrooms. That means knowing what to say when and having a strategy for communicating in each type of meeting to show security progress.

Talk Tracks for Selling vCSO Services: The vCSO is NOT a role typically defined in a client’s org chart. You WILL most certainly have to educate them on this need. It’s not hard but requires forethought.

vCSO Marketing Materials: Communicating value of your vCSO service will be critical when leadership teams are evaluating the engagement. Provide them with an offer and service description that resonates.

Compliance Program Soup Starter: You know that as a vCSO, you will be expected to maintain or implement a compliance program. We will provide you with the groundwork to handle and maintain your very own compliance program.

Email Templates: If you are meeting with a board or you are sending out a reminder to the team about a new policy, it is much easier to have an email template to start from.

Security Checklists: As the buck-stops-here head of your client’s security program, you will be the one needing to check that their program is actually working. These security checklists will help you address ongoing security concerns monthly, quarterly, and annually.

Incident Response Planning: Have experience and examples ready to refer to when working with your client to respond to various incidents. Maybe it’s a ransomware tabletop discussion, a team member leaving on bad terms, or a natural disaster. We will provide you with guidance on how to approach the gamut of scenarios.

We will give you hands-on targeted practical coaching taken from years of Bruce’s experience delivering CSO services to the most demanding clients. We will also give you a path forward to implement a high-margin vCSO program committed to delivering high-value deliverables to your clients.

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